Plumbing tips and advice

4 Plumbing Myths Busted

We know that plumbing is an essential service without which your home and surrounds would be plunged into some seriously unhygienic conditions. Given it takes years of TAFE and on the job training to become a plumber we can be forgiven for getting lost in the technical jargon of the plumbing trade when having it explained to us by a well meaning service provider and No Doubt Plumbing have set out to bust some of the plumbing industries biggest and most murky myths to help you save time and money on your next plumbing project.


Myth 1: Plumbers are untidy and unprofessional in their presentation.

Myth Busted: In fact plumbers are highly trained professionals who have spent years training to get to their level in the business. No Doubt Plumbing has a zero ‘Plumbers Crack’ policy. We are sure if you hire someone who is not highly qualified and part of a reputable plumbing company you may see the odd hot mess turning up to test your pipes so stick with us!


Myth 2: Plumbing work is overpriced.

Myth Busted: Plumbing services can be something that puts a solid dint in the family finances if something like your hot water system breaks down. When you are hiring a plumber to fix a plumbing service at your home you could be forgiven for thinking that this large price tag is due to an overblown hourly rate. It is in fact predominantly due to the high cost of the supplies that are needed in order to fix your essential service. For example a single thermostat replacement for home hot water system can be in excess of $60 dollars. If you take into account the travel, purchasing the part, installing it, and the initial quoting time that $100 final charge might have you asking yourself how we manage to keep our services so affordable!


Myth 3: It’s cheaper to do a home job that to call a professional.

Myth Busted: With the rise of the home handyman, supported by TV shows like The Block sprucing the DIY sections of megastores like Bunnings, people are running the gauntlet of unsupervised works on their homes at an alarming rate. Did you know that if you get caught undertaking plumbing work in Australia you can risk fines in excess of $10 000 per citation? What about the fact that you could end up having you roof cave in on top of you if you missed a step in your roof piping? What about a sewerage surge into your back yard that would see your little ones tip toeing over rivers of poop due to because of incorrect installation of the overflow relief gully? If fines, backyard poop, and caving in ceilings have you shrinking back from your brand new tool belt we suggest you stick to the non essential services to get your weekend warrior fix and give us a call instead.


Myth 4: That plumbing is all about poo.

Myth busted: It’s a common misconception that those in the plumbing trade spend a fair percentage of their day surrounded by sewerage. In actuality the direct contact with this part of your plumbing is minimal. The average plumber spends most of their time installing new pipes and connections where there is no current water connection, along with replacing tap washers and roofing issues.


Read more Plumbing Tips.

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  • We had a blocked drain problem and contacted a plumbing company to rectify, after the 4th visit in 9 weeks we thought we get a second opinion as we spent in excess of $900 in 4 visits and plumber kept telling us we were using too much toilet paper…

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  • We had a bathroom guttered and refurbished. We use our builder and No Doubt Plumbers. We find them very organised and did a great job. I specially love the mixer and double shower. Thanks No Doubt.

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  • We had No Doubt Plumbing clear our drain in less than 1 hour, costing us $175 which included CCTV Drain Camera Inspection to determine that my deodoriser at the toilet had flushed down. It was located and retrieved. Job done.

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